water treatment process ppt lesson

water treatment process presentation.

Drinking water should be essentially free of disease-causing microbes, but often this is not the case.
- A large proportion of the world’s population drinks microbially contaminated water, especially in developing countries .
Using the best possible source of water for potable water supply and protecting it from microbial and chemical contamination is the goal
- In many places an adequate supply of pristine water or water that can be protected from contamination is not available
The burden of providing microbially safe drinking water supplies from contaminated natural waters rests upon water treatment processes 
- The efficiency of removal or inactivation of enteric microbes and other pathogenic microbes in specific water treatment processes has been determined for some microbes but not others.
- The ability of water treatment processes and systems to reduce waterborne disease has been determined in epidemiological studies


Underwater construction in ppt and doc lessons

Underwater concrete construction is a critical component of the entire project. It is technically demanding, usually on the critical path of the project. It is technically demanding, usually on the critical path of the project schedule, and involves complex construction logistics. Therefore, its significance in the project far beyond the concreting operations themselves, in essence, underwater concrete can be constructed with the same degree of reliability as above-water construction. But if it is not carried out properly, with the proper concrete mixture and placement procedure, underwater concrete construction can result in a major cost and schedule overrun. This is the area where sound design and competent  construction planning can achieve a meaningful reduction in risk and cost.

Here yo'll find 4 lessons about this subject.

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Design of steel structure - complet lesson

Complet lesson in design of steel structure.


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plane frame analysis of portal and gable rigid plane - spreadsheet xls


"FRAME" is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of plane frame analysis of portal and gablerigid plane frames subjected to various types of loading. Specifically, the "stiffness matrix" method of analysis is used to determine the unknown joint displacements, support reactions, and member end forces. Individual frame members are also analyzed to determine the shears and intermediate moments. Plots of both the shear and moment diagrams are also produced. Also, the frame is drawn for visual confimation of geometry/configuration.


Reinforced concrete retaining wall design xls

Excel Sheets for Design of retaining walls - Design of retaining wall.


Repair and rehabitaion of CC ROADS

This folder explain how to Repair and rehabitaion of CC ROADS.


Model building estimate with all data excel spreadsheet

Model building estimate with all data in excel spreadsheet format.

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Daily force account report excel

Daily labor report format spreadsheet in excel.


Design of structural systems pdf

Design of Structural Systems CIE-600


  1. General information about the building
  2. Design of Slabs
  3. Design of Beams, columns and Foundation
  4. Design of shear and retaining walls
  5. Design of Stair case
  6. Green Engineering and Aesthetics Aspect
  7. Material (concrete) Usage Estimation
  8. References


Concrete structures fondations, columns, Slabs and Beams

Lesson in type of fondations, columns, Slabs and Beams.


Daily work progress report format - Excel templates

5 examples of Daily work progress report in spreedshate excel templates.
