Guideline for preparing a traffic management plan - TMP


Preparation of a detail Traffic Management Plan and proper implementation of measures identified in the approved plan is essential to ensure the safety of all road users as well as the workers at site. It would also assure the smooth operation of the road network as well as the work site.


1. Description of the proposed works and lane/road closures.

2. Identification and assessment of traffic impacts of proposed works.

3. Detail traffic management measures to ameliorate the impacts of proposed works.

4. Assessment of public transport services affected.

5. Details of provisions made for emergency vehicles, heavy vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians.

6. Assessment of effect of proposed traffic management measures on traffic movements in adjoining streets.

7. Proposed public/ tenant notification process if required.


1. Description of the proposed works and lane/road closures:
Details should be provided of the proposed works on road and the closure type (number of lanes and the length of road affected from the works and the number of lanes available for through traffic).

2. Identification and assessment of traffic impacts of proposed works:
The assessment would include approximate traffic flow data (eg light vehicles/heavy vehicles /pedestrians etc) for the affected road area. Assessment should also include possible impacts on adjoining properties (access, on-street parking etc.).

3. Detail traffic management measures to ameliorate the impacts of proposed works:
Details should be provided of the proposed measures (traffic controllers, part closures, detours etc.) to minimise the impact of proposed road/lane closures on other road users.

4. Assessment of public transport services affected
Details should be provided of public transport services affected and the provisions
(measures/notifications) made to minimise the impact on public transport services.

5. Details of provisions made for emergency vehicles, heavy vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians:
Details should be provided of provisions (measures/notifications) made for affected emergency vehicles, heavy vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians.

6. Assessment of effect on proposed traffic management measures on traffic movements in adjoining streets:
The assessment would include forecasted traffic flow data for roads and intersections of adjoining roads. Specific attention should be made to the streets where traffic is proposed to be detoured.

7. Proposed public/ tenant notification process:
Proposed consultation process with the public/ other tenants directly affected by the proposed works and road closures.


1. The TMP should include following details:

1.1 Location of road occupancy/proposed works
  • Street name and number
  • precinct on airport
  • Map of where on airport

1.2 Road Occupancy Details

  • Name and address of the applicant
  • Contact name
  • Contact telephone numbers
  • Contact fax number
  • On site contact name
  • On site contact telephone numbers
  • Schedule date and time of commencement of works
  • Intended date and time of completion of works

2. If approval is granted for the proposed works the applicant must prepare a Traffic Control Plan (TCP) that complies with OH & S requirements to protect the safety of
workers as well as the road users. 

3. With some smaller work sites/occupancies, the Traffic Control Plan can be submitted as the Traffic Management Plan.

4. If the works/road occupancy cannot go ahead because of adverse weather conditions or other unforseen circumstances, the applicant may reapply for another date using the same Traffic Management Plan. Providing that there are no changes to the original application, BAC needs to check wether the new date conflicts with any other road developments or road occupancies/road closers in the area.

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