staircase reinforcement details pdf

Concrete stair reinforcement detail

Download this staircase reinforcement details course in pdf format.

Stairs provide access to the various floors of the building. The stair consists of series of steps with landings at appropriate intervals. The stretch between the two landings is called flight. The Space, where stairs are provided is called staircase. To make it ease in understanding, I am calculating the quantities of a staircase by dividing into components. Components of Staircase:- Waist slab: Waist slab refers to a slab of the stair that is inclining from the floor slab to the landing slab. Flight: The series of steps between floor and landing. Landing: The level of floor between flights. Step: The step consists of Riser and tread. Tread: The tread is the flat part that you step on. Riser: The riser is the vertical (up and down) part between each tread in the stairway.

Sample Cost Estimate Worksheets Template

Construction cost estimating

Download this exemple of Sample Cost Estimate Worksheets Template in excel format.

Overall Estimating Assumptions 

How was the estimated developed ? 

i.e. elemental parametric method or using historical cost comparisons on relevant, similar projects i.e. was the estimate developed by project team or independantly 

Explain other assumptions and how they may influence or impact costs? 

i.e. Type of terrain - extreme, mountainous, rolling, level. 

i.e. Geographic location within BC - Lower Mainland; Northern; Southern Interior; Vancouver Island etc. i.e. Development Density (ie.Urban, Suburban, Rural) impacts work complexity, traffic managment and utilities etci.e. Scope Uncertainty: What is the quality/quantity of available project information? current, complete, & accuratei.e. Overall complexity and constructability issues 

Any other overall assumption or costing decisions to document ?  

Project Management and Planning Calculations 

How is planning and project managment cost determined as a % of total cost or some other method? 

Design Calculations 

Is design amount determined as a % of Construction or some other method? 

Example: Calculated as a 7% of Grade Construction and/or 8% of Structural 

Property Assumptions 

What was the basis for determining property information and impacts? 

What types of properties are involved (residential, commercial, industrial) ? And how many? 

How was market values of the property established? 

How are the variable costs determined? What's included? Is there an allowance for internal costs and legal fees? Attach property detailed sheets as necessary outlining calculations 

Environmental Assumptions 

Is the work within an sensitive area? Is this a CEAA project?  

How was compensation value determined? 

How much mitigation work is anticipated? How was it valued? 

Construction Assumptions 

What is the project delivery/procurement method? (Design-Bid-Build/Design-Build/Day Labour/P3/DBFO)  Is there a Design Criteria Sheet completed for the project? 

Geotechnical information: What were the significant material assumptions: solid rock, boulders, mixed, dirt ? 

__________________________________________________________________________________________A ssumptions Worksheet Page No. 1 - Cost Estimate for Project No. XXXX

Were there any structures included? How many watercourses were identified or assumed? 

What was the assumed road cross-section? Material depths? Asphalt? 

Detailed calculations for construction cost elements contained on estimate 'detail sheets'  

i.e include 'detail sheets' outlining quantity calculations (based on most probable?) 

i.e. provide explanation of unit prices (e.g. prices of similar projects, MOT cost data; labour, matr'l, equip) i.e traffic management considerations 

i.e mobilization and demobilization considerations 

Construction Supervision Calculation 

How was the construction supervision determined?  

Example: Calculated as a % of each Construction component (including contingency) as follows: Grading 7%, Operational and Other 8%, Structural and Paving 6.5%, and Environmental Compensation 8% 

Risks Assessment 

Was a comprehensive Risk Assessment conducted?  

What are the major risk items? How were they identified and quantified? 

How were these risks allowed for in the estimate? Are they covered by contingency or included in base Cost Elements 

Contingency Assumptions 

Was contingency applied as a set % basis or was a Risk Assessment conducted identifying and quantifying Risks?  Was contingency applied uniformly to all Cost Elements and project segments (Yes or No) ? 

What is the amount or % that was applied ? 

Is contingency based on the current level of project knowledge and associated risk to deliver the project scope ? 

Inclusion and Exclusions 

Is there anything NOT included in the estimate? (i.e. pre-project development costs etc.) 

Is there anything specifically included in the estimate that may be unusual or not normally be part of project cost?

NOTE: The Assumptions Worksheet may differ depending the 'Level of Estimate' being prepared (conceptual, planningprelim, detailed, pre-tender) and the approach of the Estimator. This is a SAMPLE of areas and items to consider and  include. It is not an exhaustive list and/or may include items not applicable to all estimates.  

concrete beam design - Sample sheet xls

Design of rectangle concrete with excel

The beam is rectangle shape and with or without compression reinforcement.

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House construction budget spreadsheet

construction Cost Estimate

Download this example of House construction budget in spreadsheet format. 

All material concerned :
Bricks, Sand, Crush, Steel, Cement, Mud, Shuttering for Roof, Tiles for Front, Grills, Glass, Lamination, ChipBoard, Ply, Wood, Gate, Flooring, Bathrooms, flooring, Doors (16), Civil Work, Elecrification, Sanitation, Paint, Carpenter, Glass ,Work

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Excel construction estimate template download free

Download this example of excel template construction estimate .You can fill in with your civil engineering and works site data.
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Construction Cost Template in Excel

Construction cost analysis template excel

Download this example of Construction Cost Template in Excel, with estimated construction budget.

Cost Plan Workbook 


UC Component Cost Summary 

Insert Project Title in Cell A1. 

Insert Plant Account number in Cell E1. 

Insert Date of Estimate in Cell E2. 

Leave the CCCI in Cell E4 as XXXX, until information is provided by UCOP. Insert Overall Gross Square Feet (OGSF) for project in Cell G6. 

In the shaded cells of Column E, enter construction cost from the cost estimate in thousands of-dollars ($,000). 

Complete the shaded inflation calculations using project schedule and estimated percentages  for annual inflation. 

Specify the design contingency assumptions incorporated in the base component costs, as a  percentage in Cell B64. 

Cost Plan Summary and P or W Submit. Cost Plan Summ 

These forms are completed automatically with the information provided in the Component  Cost Summary worksheet and require no input. 

Cost Conversion to CIB Format 

In the shaded cells of Columns D, F, H, and J, enter the construction cost for those items that  are outside the construction contract and will be completed by the campus (i.e.,  telecommunications, builder’s risk insurance, etc.). Provide the description of the cost in  Column A. 

The totals in Row 32 should match Lines 0, 1, 2, and 4 on your CIB. 

Area and Control Quantities 

Insert in the shaded areas of Column D the unit values of key control quantities (i.e.,  enclosed area, volume, elevators, etc.). This information needs to be provided either in this  worksheet or in the detailed cost estimate. 

Tags : construction cost estimate template excel, construction cost worksheet excel, construction cost breakdown template excel,

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Download a Design Of Steel Structures pdf

Design Of Steel Structures 

Download a Design Of Steel Structures pdf document.

Design loads for buildings include dead and live loads. Dead loads consist of the weight of all permanent constructions, including fixed equipment that is placed on the structure. In bridges, it includes the weight of decks, sidewalks, railings, utility posts and cables, and the bridge frame. Live loads are dynamic and vary in time. They include vehicles, snow, personnel, movable machinery, equipment, furniture, merchandise, wind and earthquake forces, and the like. Once a building frame has been selected on the basis of dead and live loads, a check must be made using a combination of these loads. In some regions, a check must include the seismic forces. Member sizes may have to be modified from the initial selection to meet the wind and seismic forces. Live load tables are provided by almost all building codes. In unusual cases, the design load intensity is established to the satisfaction of a building official. However, the actual distribution of the live load for maximum effect is the responsibility of the design engineer. Table 1.3 lists live load intensities for various occupancies. 

free excel construction templates

Construction budget template

Download this free excel construction template project management budget. You can edit this document with your project information.

This is all project expenses

Acquisition - Land and/or Building 

Acquisition - Land 
Acquisition - Building 

Site Work

 On-Site Work 
Off-Site Work 


New Construction Costs 
Rehabilitation Costs 
Construction Contingency         ( __%) 
Fees and Permits 

Professional Fees 

Architect Fees - 
Accounting/Real Estate Attorney 
Appraisal, Market Study, Environmental Report 
Consulting, Cost Certification, Etc. 
Other Contingency ( __%) 

Developer's Fees 

Developer's Fees 
General Partner 

Interim Costs 

Construction Interest 
Construction Loan Fee 
Insurance, Title, Etc. 
Taxes, Performance Premium, Etc.
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cantilever retaining wall design excel spreadsheet

RC - Cantilever Retaining Wall - Final

The details of a cantilever retaining wall are shown below, is the design of the wall satisfactory. Download this cantilever retaining wall design excel.

autocad shortcuts guide pdf

Autocad commands list

Download this autocad shortcuts guide pdf. Use the following AutoCAD commands and shortcuts to work faster and more efficiently. You can find a list of downloadable commands in the AutoCAD shortcut PDF file.

What are the basic commands in AutoCAD? 

This is a list of some of the most basic AutoCAD commands that every AutoCAD user should know. These are some drawing and modification commands, they form the basic knowledge of AutoCAD, if you are just starting to learn AutoCAD, then you should know all these basic commands.

  • L: It can be used for making simple lines in the drawing.
  • C: It is the command used for making a circle in AutoCAD.
  • PL: This command can be used to make a Polyline in your drawing.
  • REC: This command will make a rectangle in AutoCAD.
  • POL: This command can be used to make a polygon with a minimum of 3 sides and a maximum of 1024 sides.
  • ARC: As the name suggests, this command can be used to make an arc in AutoCAD.
  • ELLIPSE: As the name suggests, this command can be used to make an ellipse with the major and minor axis.
  • REG: This command can be used to make a region geometry in AutoCAD.
  • CO: This command is used to copy the object(s) in AutoCAD.
  • ARRAY: Using this command you can make a Rectangular, polar, or Path array.
  • TR: This command is used for trimming geometry.
  • OP: Using this command you can open the options window which contains most of the settings of AutoCAD.
  • SC: This command is used to change the scale of an object.
  • B: This command is used for creating a block, the properties of the block can be defined using the block definition window.
  • I: This command can be used to insert an existing block or a drawing as a block in AutoCAD.
  • ST: Using this command, you can open a text style window that controls properties of the default AutoCAD text style.
  • X: This command can be used to explode objects like Polyline to simple lines, an array or a block to simple geometry, etc.
  • F: This command can be used to add rounded corners to the sharp edges of the geometry, these round corners are also called fillets.
  • CHA: This command can be used to add slant edges to the sharp corners, these slant edges are also called chamfers.
  • LA: This command can be used to open layer properties manage palette which is a tool for creating and managing layers in a drawing.

Keyboard Shortcut Keys

Keyboard shortcuts or hotkeys are the shortest and quickest way of activating some common AutoCAD operations or commands.

  • Ctrl + N: You can use this shortcut to open a new drawing tab in AutoCAD.
  • Ctrl + S: You can use this keyboard shortcut to save a drawing file.
  • Ctrl + Shift + S: You can use this keyboard shortcut to save the drawing as a new file, in short, this is the hotkey for the “save as” command.
  • Ctrl + 0: Clears screen to show only the drawing area and hides palettes and tabs. Press it again to reset the default AutoCAD interface.
  • Ctrl + 1: Select an object and press Ctrl + 1 to open the properties palette which lists the properties of the object. You can use this palette to modify most of the properties of the object too. You can also use PR command to open the property palette.
  • Ctrl + 2: You can use it to open the design center palette which contains many AutoCAD blocks that can be used directly in your drawing.
  • Ctrl + 9: You can use this keyboard shortcut to toggle the visibility of the command line. If for some reason your command line is hidden from the drawing area, then use this keyboard shortcut to bring it back.
  • Ctrl + C: Select objects from the drawing area and press Ctrl + C to copy to objects to the clipboard.
  • Ctrl + V: To paste the copied objects of the clipboard in the drawing keeping their original properties, you can use this keyboard shortcut.
  • Ctrl + Shift + V: To paste the copied objects as a block you can use this keyboard shortcut, the block thus created will have a random set of characters as names. You can use this keyboard shortcut to make blocks quickly without going through the creative block window.
  • Ctrl + Z: This keyboard shortcut can be used to undo the last action in your drawing. You can press this shortcut key multiple times to undo many actions.
  • Ctrl + Y: This keyboard shortcut can be used to redo the last undo action which you have performed.
  • Ctrl + Tab: You can use this keyboard shortcut to cycle through all open drawing tabs in AutoCAD.

How many commands are there in AutoCAD?

There are more than 150 unique shortcuts and commands in AutoCAD, and just seeing the number of them can quickly be overwhelming. Therefore, we have compiled a list of some of the most important things that beginners should learn. Unlike other articles on the web that cover lines, circles, and other very basic commands, we will study some unique commands that are very useful in the design process. let's start!

How do I show all commands in AutoCAD?

1. In the upper left corner of the application window, at the right end of the Quick Access Toolbar, click the drop-down menu to display the menu bar. 
2. At the command prompt, enter MENUBAR. Enter 1 to display the menu bar.

Download the AutoCAD Commands List PDF using the link given below.

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