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Video explaining NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY - Radioactivity & Radiation - Alpha, Beta, Gamma

  NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY Radioactivity & Radiation - Alpha, Beta, Gamma - This video introduces students to nuclear chemistry. Discussed are the topics of why a nucleus is unstable, what radioactivity is and how radiation is given off. The video concludes with alpha, beta and gamma radiation.


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Understand nuclear chimestry in details

Programm :

Nuclear equations
Alpha radiation
Beta radiation
Gamma radiation
Positron emission
Electron capture
Nuclear Stability
What makes a nucleus stable?
Belt of stability
Nuclear Transmutations
Nuclear Binding Energies
Nuclear Fission
Nuclear Fusion

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Structure of atom

Radiation and Atoms
Width and Shape of Spectral Lines
 Lifetime Broadening
 Collision or Pressure Broadening
Doppler Broadening
 Atomic Orders of Magnitude
Other important Atomic quantities
The Central Field Approximation
The form of the Central Field
 Finding the Central Field
The Central Field Approximation
The Physics of the Wave Functions
Angular Momentum
 Radial wavefunctions
Multi-electron atoms
Electron Configurations
The Periodic Table
Gross Energy Level Structure of the Alkalis: Quantum Defect
Corrections to the Central Field: Spin-Orbit interaction
The Physics of Spin-Orbit Interaction
Finding the Spin-Orbit Correction to the Energy
The B-Field due to Orbital Motion
The Energy Operator
The Radial Integral
The Angular Integral: Degenerate Perturbation Theory
Degenerate Perturbation theory and the Vector Model
Evaluation of D sˆ · ˆl E using DPT and the Vector Model
Spin Orbit Interaction: Summary
Spin-Orbit Splitting: Alkali Atoms
Spectroscopic Notation
Two-electron Atoms: Residual Electrostatic Effects and LS-Coupling
Magnesium: Gross Structure
The Electrostatic Perturbation
Orbital effects on electrostatic interaction in LS-coupling
Spin-Orbit Effects in 2-electron Atoms
Nuclear Effects on Atomic Structure 37 6.1 Hyperfine Structure
The Magnetic Field of Electrons
Coupling of I and J
Finding the Nuclear Spin, I
Isotope Effects
Selection Rules 42 7.1 Parity
Angular Momentum Rules
Atoms in Magnetic Fields 44 8.1 Weak field, no spin
8.2 Weak Field with Spin and Orbit
Anomalous Zeeman Pattern
Polarization of the radiation
Strong fields, spin and orbit
Intermediate fields
Magnetic field effects on hyperfine structure
Weak field
Strong field
X-Rays: transitions involving inner shell electrons 56 9.1 X-ray Spectra
X-ray series
Fine structure of X-ray spectra
X-ray absorption
Auger Effect
 High Resolution Laser Spectroscopy 61 10.1 Absorption Spectroscopy
Laser Spectroscopy
Spectral resolution
“Doppler Free” spectroscopy
Crossed beam spectroscopy
Saturation Spectroscopy
Calibration of Doppler-free Spectra
Comparison of “Doppler-free” Methods

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Structure of atom

After studying this unit you will be able to
• know about the discovery of electron, proton and neutron and their characteristics;
• describe Thomson, Rutherford and Bohr atomic models;
• understand the important features of the quantum mechanical model of atom;
• understand nature of electromagnetic radiation and Planck’s quantum theory;
• explain the photoelectric effect and describe features of atomic spectra;
• state the de Broglie relation and Heisenberg uncertainty principle;
• define an atomic orbital in terms of quantum numbers;
• state aufbau principle, Pauli exclusion principle and Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity;
• write the electronic configurations of atoms.

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At the end of this unit you will be able to: 
• Calculate the electrostatic and gravitational forces between two bodies or particles 
• State the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and calculate the uncertainty in position or velocity of a particle or body 
• Define the de Broglie wavelength and calculate same for particles and bodies 
• Explain interference and diffraction in light and electrons 
• Explain the terms wavefunction, Eigenfunction and Hamiltonian operator as they appear in the Schrödinger Wave Equation 
• Sketch the radial wavefunctions for the 1s, 2s and 2p orbitals 
• Sketch the Radial Distribution Functions for 1s, 2s and 2p orbitals 
• Define and depict radial and angular nodes on orbitals 
• Define and give examples of principal, orbital angular momentum, magnetic and spin quantum numbers • Calculate the energy of the levels and the emission lines in the hydrogen atom 
• Explain the Orbital Approximation and apply it to the Helium atom
• State the Pauli Exclusion Principle, and rationalize it in terms of the relative stability of different electronic configurations (e.g. Lithium). 
• State Hund’s rule and explain it in terms of the relative stability of the different electronic configurations of sub-shells (e.g. Carbon) • Define Cartesian and Spherical Polar coordinates 
• State advantages of expressing wavefunctions in Spherical Polar coordinates 
• Define radial wavefunction and angular wavefunction 
• Calculate and plot the hydrogen 1s Radial wavefunction 
• Define and calculate orbital angular momentum of an electron in different orbitals 
• Define and explain Space Quantization • Define Ionization Enthalpy and explain its trend across the Li – Ne period. 

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fundamental principles of atomic structure

                   THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN POTENTIAL ENERGY AND STABILITY IS                                   INVERSE
                   An orbital is a region in 3-D space where there is a high probability of finding the electron.

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Agriculture Cost Estimate EXCEL SHEET

List of sheets :
COST ESTIMATE IRRIGATION SYSTEM, CONSTRUCTION OF STONE OUTLET FOR EGP, Cost Estimate for Cotton Crop Demonstration, COST ESTIMATION OF Napier , COST ESTIMATION OF DEMONSTRATION PLOT FOR Napier Fodder Plot 0.1 Hac, COST ESTIMATE OF VERMI COMPOST PIT, Cost Estimate of Kitchen Garden, Cost Estimate for Vegetable Tomato Cultivation, Cost Estimate for Vegetable Brinjal Cultivation, Cost estimate of Floriculture (Rose) for One Year, Cost Estimate of AF (Plantation of Forest Species), ABSTRACT  AND MEASUREMENT SHEET FOR AFORESTATION  WORK, ABSTRACT  AND MEASUREMENT SHEET FOR AGRO , COST FOR NURSERY, Design Details of Earthen Gully Plug (EGP)

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