waste water treatment ppt free download

Waste water treatment is the process of removing contaminants from wastewater and converting it into an effluent that can be returned to the environment or reused for various purposes. This involves several stages including pre-treatment, primary treatment, secondary treatment, and sometimes advanced treatment, which may include physical, chemical, and biological processes to remove pollutants such as organic matter, nutrients, heavy metals, and pathogens. The ultimate goal of waste water treatment is to produce safe and clean water that meets discharge standards and protects the environment and public health.

1. What is waste water treatment ? 

Waste water treatment is the process of removing contaminants from wastewater to make it safe for release into the environment or for reuse. The process typically involves several stages including: 

Pre-treatment: removal of large objects such as rags, sticks, and debris from the wastewater. 
Primary treatment: settling of solids and removal of floating matter by gravity. 
Secondary treatment: biological treatment using microorganisms to break down organic matter and remove pollutants. 
Tertiary treatment: additional physical, chemical or biological processes to remove specific pollutants and improve the quality of the treated wastewater. 

The goal of waste water treatment is to produce effluent that meets discharge standards and protects the environment and public health.

2. What are the main types of waste water treatment ? 

The main types of wastewater treatment are: 
  • Physical treatment Chemical treatment Biological treatment Sludge treatment 
  • Physical treatment involves physical processes such as screening, sedimentation, and flotation to remove solid waste. 
  • Chemical treatment uses chemicals such as acids, alkalis, and disinfectants to remove pollutants. 
  • Biological treatment employs microorganisms to break down organic matter and remove pollutants. 
  • Sludge treatment involves the processing of residual solids generated from physical, chemical, and biological treatments.

3. What is the significance of waste water treatment ? 

Waste water treatment is important because it helps to protect public health and the environment by removing harmful pollutants and pathogens from wastewater before it is released into the environment. Treated wastewater can also be reused for agricultural or industrial purposes, conserving water resources. By treating waste water, we can also reduce the risk of contamination of drinking water supplies and prevent the spread of diseases. Additionally, proper waste water treatment can reduce the negative impacts on aquatic life and ecosystems, preserving the balance of the environment.

4. What are the environmental benefits of waste water treatment ? 

Waste water treatment provides several environmental benefits, including: 
  • Reduction of water pollution: Treated waste water helps to reduce the amount of pollutants, such as chemicals and pathogens, that are released into the environment. 
  • Protection of aquatic life: By removing harmful pollutants, waste water treatment helps to preserve the health of aquatic ecosystems and the species that rely on them. 
  • Preservation of drinking water sources: Treating waste water helps to prevent contamination of drinking water sources, ensuring that they remain safe and clean for human consumption. 
  • Conservation of water resources: Treated waste water can be reused for irrigation, industrial processes, and other purposes, conserving fresh water resources. 
  • Climate change mitigation: Waste water treatment can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by using biogas generated during the treatment process as an energy source. 
In summary, waste water treatment is crucial for maintaining the health of our environment, preserving natural resources, and promoting sustainable development.

5. What are the economic benefits of waste water treatment? 6. What are the social benefits of waste water treatment ?

Economic benefits of waste water treatment: 

  • Job creation: The waste water treatment industry can create job opportunities in fields such as engineering, construction, and operations. 
  • Increased property values: Proper waste water treatment can lead to increased property values in nearby areas, as it helps to maintain a clean and safe environment. 
  • Cost savings: Treating waste water can be less expensive than the cost of cleaning up after water pollution has occurred. 
  • Revenue generation: Treated waste water can be sold or reused for agricultural or industrial purposes, generating revenue for communities. 
  • Energy production: Waste water treatment facilities can use biogas produced during the treatment process as a source of renewable energy, reducing the need for non-renewable energy sources. 

Social benefits of waste water treatment: 

  • Improved public health: Treating waste water helps to remove pathogens and pollutants, reducing the risk of water-borne diseases and improving public health. 
  • Enhanced quality of life: Proper waste water treatment can improve the overall quality of life by reducing unpleasant odors, preserving natural resources, and promoting clean and safe environments. 
  • Increased community pride: Waste water treatment facilities can provide a sense of pride for communities, as they demonstrate a commitment to environmental sustainability and public health. 
  • Better environmental stewardship: By treating waste water, communities can show their commitment to environmental stewardship and their responsibility for the health of the planet. 
Overall, waste water treatment has a positive impact on both the economy and society, providing benefits in terms of job creation, cost savings, improved public health, and enhanced quality of life.

What is waste water treatment ?

find here waste water treatment ppt free download
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Pop wall design for living room

Pop wall design photos living hall

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Best 25 tv design on wall - Simple and modern

Top ideas living board for tv set wall

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Entertainment walls have become an important feature in the living room and are now in fierce competition with traditional feature fireplaces, and TV lovers want their box to be the center of attention for the best viewing angle, so lounge fireplaces are increasingly popular as side or corner accents. This interior makeover leaves room to imagine a new living room wall with a TV in the middle. It also places additional requirements on storage receiving and recording equipment, as well as film media, game consoles and games. So how do we get a modern landscape that's good enough to replace a mantel? What do we use now to display our precious objects?

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Best 25 tv design on wall - Simple and modern

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simple modern pop unit  ideas living and gypsum board for tv set wall and ceiling and cabinet. Design on wall mount led panel interior design for tv stand furniture.

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staircase reinforcement details pdf

Concrete stair reinforcement detail

Download this staircase reinforcement details course in pdf format.

Stairs provide access to the various floors of the building. The stair consists of series of steps with landings at appropriate intervals. The stretch between the two landings is called flight. The Space, where stairs are provided is called staircase. To make it ease in understanding, I am calculating the quantities of a staircase by dividing into components. Components of Staircase:- Waist slab: Waist slab refers to a slab of the stair that is inclining from the floor slab to the landing slab. Flight: The series of steps between floor and landing. Landing: The level of floor between flights. Step: The step consists of Riser and tread. Tread: The tread is the flat part that you step on. Riser: The riser is the vertical (up and down) part between each tread in the stairway.
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Sample Cost Estimate Worksheets Template

Construction cost estimating

Download this exemple of Sample Cost Estimate Worksheets Template in excel format.

Overall Estimating Assumptions 

How was the estimated developed ? 

i.e. elemental parametric method or using historical cost comparisons on relevant, similar projects i.e. was the estimate developed by project team or independantly 

Explain other assumptions and how they may influence or impact costs? 

i.e. Type of terrain - extreme, mountainous, rolling, level. 

i.e. Geographic location within BC - Lower Mainland; Northern; Southern Interior; Vancouver Island etc. i.e. Development Density (ie.Urban, Suburban, Rural) impacts work complexity, traffic managment and utilities etci.e. Scope Uncertainty: What is the quality/quantity of available project information? current, complete, & accuratei.e. Overall complexity and constructability issues 

Any other overall assumption or costing decisions to document ?  

Project Management and Planning Calculations 

How is planning and project managment cost determined as a % of total cost or some other method? 

Design Calculations 

Is design amount determined as a % of Construction or some other method? 

Example: Calculated as a 7% of Grade Construction and/or 8% of Structural 

Property Assumptions 

What was the basis for determining property information and impacts? 

What types of properties are involved (residential, commercial, industrial) ? And how many? 

How was market values of the property established? 

How are the variable costs determined? What's included? Is there an allowance for internal costs and legal fees? Attach property detailed sheets as necessary outlining calculations 

Environmental Assumptions 

Is the work within an sensitive area? Is this a CEAA project?  

How was compensation value determined? 

How much mitigation work is anticipated? How was it valued? 

Construction Assumptions 

What is the project delivery/procurement method? (Design-Bid-Build/Design-Build/Day Labour/P3/DBFO)  Is there a Design Criteria Sheet completed for the project? 

Geotechnical information: What were the significant material assumptions: solid rock, boulders, mixed, dirt ? 

__________________________________________________________________________________________A ssumptions Worksheet Page No. 1 - Cost Estimate for Project No. XXXX

Were there any structures included? How many watercourses were identified or assumed? 

What was the assumed road cross-section? Material depths? Asphalt? 

Detailed calculations for construction cost elements contained on estimate 'detail sheets'  

i.e include 'detail sheets' outlining quantity calculations (based on most probable?) 

i.e. provide explanation of unit prices (e.g. prices of similar projects, MOT cost data; labour, matr'l, equip) i.e traffic management considerations 

i.e mobilization and demobilization considerations 

Construction Supervision Calculation 

How was the construction supervision determined?  

Example: Calculated as a % of each Construction component (including contingency) as follows: Grading 7%, Operational and Other 8%, Structural and Paving 6.5%, and Environmental Compensation 8% 

Risks Assessment 

Was a comprehensive Risk Assessment conducted?  

What are the major risk items? How were they identified and quantified? 

How were these risks allowed for in the estimate? Are they covered by contingency or included in base Cost Elements 

Contingency Assumptions 

Was contingency applied as a set % basis or was a Risk Assessment conducted identifying and quantifying Risks?  Was contingency applied uniformly to all Cost Elements and project segments (Yes or No) ? 

What is the amount or % that was applied ? 

Is contingency based on the current level of project knowledge and associated risk to deliver the project scope ? 

Inclusion and Exclusions 

Is there anything NOT included in the estimate? (i.e. pre-project development costs etc.) 

Is there anything specifically included in the estimate that may be unusual or not normally be part of project cost?

NOTE: The Assumptions Worksheet may differ depending the 'Level of Estimate' being prepared (conceptual, planningprelim, detailed, pre-tender) and the approach of the Estimator. This is a SAMPLE of areas and items to consider and  include. It is not an exhaustive list and/or may include items not applicable to all estimates.  

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concrete beam design - Sample sheet xls

Design of rectangle concrete with excel

The beam is rectangle shape and with or without compression reinforcement.

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Tags :
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Shear Wall Design Based on ACI 318-02 - excel spreadsheet
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House construction budget spreadsheet

construction Cost Estimate

Download this example of House construction budget in spreadsheet format. 

All material concerned :
Bricks, Sand, Crush, Steel, Cement, Mud, Shuttering for Roof, Tiles for Front, Grills, Glass, Lamination, ChipBoard, Ply, Wood, Gate, Flooring, Bathrooms, flooring, Doors (16), Civil Work, Elecrification, Sanitation, Paint, Carpenter, Glass ,Work

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excel template construction estimate

Excel construction estimate template download free

Download this example of excel template construction estimate .You can fill in with your civil engineering and works site data.
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Construction Cost Template in Excel

Construction cost analysis template excel

Download this example of Construction Cost Template in Excel, with estimated construction budget.

Cost Plan Workbook 


UC Component Cost Summary 

Insert Project Title in Cell A1. 

Insert Plant Account number in Cell E1. 

Insert Date of Estimate in Cell E2. 

Leave the CCCI in Cell E4 as XXXX, until information is provided by UCOP. Insert Overall Gross Square Feet (OGSF) for project in Cell G6. 

In the shaded cells of Column E, enter construction cost from the cost estimate in thousands of-dollars ($,000). 

Complete the shaded inflation calculations using project schedule and estimated percentages  for annual inflation. 

Specify the design contingency assumptions incorporated in the base component costs, as a  percentage in Cell B64. 

Cost Plan Summary and P or W Submit. Cost Plan Summ 

These forms are completed automatically with the information provided in the Component  Cost Summary worksheet and require no input. 

Cost Conversion to CIB Format 

In the shaded cells of Columns D, F, H, and J, enter the construction cost for those items that  are outside the construction contract and will be completed by the campus (i.e.,  telecommunications, builder’s risk insurance, etc.). Provide the description of the cost in  Column A. 

The totals in Row 32 should match Lines 0, 1, 2, and 4 on your CIB. 

Area and Control Quantities 

Insert in the shaded areas of Column D the unit values of key control quantities (i.e.,  enclosed area, volume, elevators, etc.). This information needs to be provided either in this  worksheet or in the detailed cost estimate. 

Tags : construction cost estimate template excel, construction cost worksheet excel, construction cost breakdown template excel,
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